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There are 8 roleplaying sessions for Ultimate Monster Battle Arena. These run from 7.30pm to 10.30pm on Tuesday evenings, in the Vernon Harcourt Room in St. Hilda's College (see when and where). Players are free to arrive from 7.00pm onwards.

The first session will be devoted to Character Creation, where GMs will be on hand to help you create a character for the game. The final session will be Debrief, in which the GMs will answer questions about the game and everyone will have a chance to explain what they were up to. The schedule is as follows:


Session Date Week
Session 3 13th November 2018 Tuesday, Michaelmas Week 6
Session 4 27th November 2018 Tuesday, Michaelmas Week 8
Session 5 15th January 2019 Tuesday, Hilary Week 1
Session 6 29th January 2019 Tuesday, Hilary Week 3
Session 7 12th February 2019 Tuesday, Hilary Week 5
Session 8 26th February 2019 Tuesday, Hilary Week 7
Debrief 5th March 2019 Tuesday, Hilary Week 8

Off-Week Events

On the intervening Tuesdays, both roleplaying and social events will be running instead - details of which will be available in advance and advertised on the OURPGSoc mailing lists.

Date Week Event(s)
22nd January 2019 Tuesday, Hilary Week 2 Animus Freeform run by Seb and Mat
5th February 2019 Tuesday, Hilary Week 4 'Dwindling' run by Amy, Harris Seminar Room, Oriel College
19th February 2019 Tuesday, Hilary Week 6 Animus Freeform run by Sally
schedule.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/04 21:16 by gm_tom