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Here, we present some frequently asked questions about the game. If your question isn't answered here then do of course feel free to get in touch with the GM Team

Can I play a Monster?

No. All player characters are humans involved in the Arena in some way. You can (and indeed, unless you specifically choose not to, are expected to) have a Monster that your character owns. See Character Creation and Monster Creation for details.

Can I fight in a match against another PC?

It is currently against the rules of the Arena for two humans to fight each other in a Battle. You can, of course, fight your Monster against their Monster or fight their Monster as a Gladiator. This is purely an IC rule.

Which Season is this again?

Season XXXVI (36). The first Battle of Season XXXVI will occur during the first downtime of the game (after session 1).

How do you pronounce this?

Pronunciations have been given for several IC terms on the Glossary page. If you are confused about any pronunciation that has not been included on that page, please let us know.

What happens if I lose my Monster?

The loss of a Monster during the game is entirely possible. Since League Rank is attributed to the Trainer rather than the Monster, this does not necessarily mean that you would be unable to participate in the Arena after losing a Monster.

Do I need a "real" name and a "stage" name?

“Real” sounding names like “Jessica Smith” or “Larry McDonald” don't make sense in the world of UMBA. Similarly the concept of stage names is rarely, if ever, used: you wear who you are on your sleeve with pride.

See Name for more details on in-universe names.

Can my Monster be a swarm / hive mind?

Yes! The stats you submit for your Monster will be the stats of the combined entity, not of individual parts.

Can my Monster fly?

Not at the start of the game: no flying Monsters have been caught nor are they part of the League. Rumour of flying Monsters may have been heard, however.

faqs.txt · Last modified: 2018/10/09 18:28 by gm_tom