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OC News Turn 8

What's that sound...?

As afternoon becomes early evening and your characters get ready to head to the final League Conference, you become aware of a dull thudding. The ground is… shaking? No… that's not possible is it. Those near the walls see it first: an enormous silhouetted shape in the eastern distance, moving… walking… slowly toward the city. Each step shaking the ground. Murmurs start to penetrate the streets, worries, fears, but the city has survived worse than this - and now you have EIGHT SHINING CHAMPIONS to protect you. Worries turn to excitement, and excitement turns to hope.

What will happen now???

Final Conference

During the Final League Conference there will be no ability to arrange any Matches except Grudge Matches. Betting will still be available, as will the Network shop, but all Network Matches are now concluded. The new Host will explain more.


After this session you will have the opportunity to submit one final downtime. This downtime is different to usual in that you only have two actions. The first is like a normal turnsheet action in which you describe what your character is planning to do with the final round of Season 36, whether that's involved in the Grand Championship or doing something else, the scope of this action is about 1-2 weeks.

The second action is a longer term action, describing broadly your character's plans for the next season and beyond. Here you should give an idea of what your character's goals are, which we will use to inform our Eternity Writeup of how the world is shaped by your characters. We will then publish the full Eternity response as one public set of writeups in time for the debrief session on Tuesday.

The deadline for Eternity submission is still midnight between Thursday and Friday. We will be meeting at our own cost significantly earlier than we normally do to go through these and have enough time to give you quality writeups, so please do us the courtesy of submitting on time or emailing in good time and very politely to ask for an extension.

Unable to make session?

If you can't make Session today or will be late or have to leave early, this isn't a problem, just email to let us know. We're intending to make sure we announce players who aren't present but are still active in session, so please do email us!

Please refrain from posting on the Facebook group if you can't make it - it's spam for people who aren't playing the Society Game.

news/oc_news/8.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/26 08:41 by gm_tom