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Power Struggles

Blaze’s sudden and shocking death was followed by an unprecedented event in recorded Network history: a period of several weeks during which not even a temporary replacement was assigned to the role of Junior Executive.

There appear to be three primary reasons for this. Firstly, the resignation and subsequent disappearance of Vice Executive Masters just days after Blaze’s death and the immediate handover of her position to Vice Executive Diamond meant that Executive Branch existed in turmoil for a short while. The changes that Diamond made to Executive Branch, while broadly considered to be a move in the right direction for the Network, took precedence over the promotion of a new Junior Executive.

Secondly, Blaze’s death was abrupt enough that he did not prepare a note of recommendation for a new Junior Executive in the event of his resignation. This is the most controversial of the three points – former Creative employee Max Entropy insisted for many years after the promotion of colleague Trend that Blaze intended for them to be promoted, but that criminal interference had led to this message being destroyed. However, a handful of personal files kept by Blaze (many of which were irreparably damaged in an unsolved break-in and assault) suggested that Trend, Entropy and prolific author Todo List were considered equally viable as successors to the position.

Finally – and this point really cannot be overstated – the effort that all three put into their promotional campaigns meant that there was no stand-out contender for some time. After several meetings with the Executive Board at the time (Vice Executive Diamond and Junior Executives Ada and Ironhide), the printing of hundreds of posters, an uncountable number of smear attempts from all sides, and almost certainly some level of bribery, a decision was finally reached by Diamond.

Trend, it was determined, was the best option of the three. Well-liked by all of the Executives and with an impressive history of securing neat profits for the Network, he was welcomed onto the Board with open arms. In the following chapters, Trend’s personal history, his career as the final Creative Executive, and the legacy that he left in the ashes of the Network will be uncovered.

- From The Fall of the Bastion Network, by Relic

Redefining Success

“Oh, Trend is brilliant. Really, no one has ever gotten through to me the way he has.”

“Huh, I've never been to one of his speeches. Heard good things, though.”

“Good? He's a master of public speaking. He knows just what to say – and most of what he says even makes sense!”

“I have been feeling a little down recently. Apparently he's speaking at the Beetle Circus this weekend… maybe I'll stop by!”

- A conversation between UMBC Trainers Cache and Jettison

Maybe I’m just not getting it, but isn’t all of this deeply ironic? Like, I listened to Trend’s lecture and everything so I get what he was going for, but isn’t it funny since it all collapsed anyway?


Wait, he held the lecture in the Museum.

The lecture was an exhibit too.

He’s a genius. How do I send him all my money?

- A review of the Museum of Failure by renowned critic Flop
eternity/trend.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/04 22:56 by gm_katie