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A Cure from Killing Cure

Dr Frost’s novel technique for the treatment of corrosive tissue damage began with the case of Patient DB, which she took on alongside Monsterologist Seer.

Seer’s dangerous but enlightening studies into Killing Cure, the Monster responsible for Patient DB’s injury, led to valuable insights into the nature of the damage, which was crucial to the eventual development of a cure.

Seer was somewhat reclusive and kept much of his research to himself, but his choice to collaborate with Dr Frost may indeed have been lifesaving, and his contributions to this treatment method should be recognised just as Dr Frost’s are.

- From A History of Bastion Medicine, by Vial

Who’s Seen Seer?

You know who I miss? Seer and Merle.

Okay, hear me out. I know Merle was kind of weird-looking, and I know that it was always accompanied by a gross fish smell, and I know it didn’t get a lot of love while it was around.

But that’s the thing, right? You never miss the water ‘til the well’s run dry, and all that.

Or in this case… you never miss the water-lion ‘til its Trainer runs off into the Wasteland.

I dunno, I just hope he comes back to Bastion some day. Maybe he’ll make an appearance in UMBC? I can dream.

- From ‘Trainers We Hope Make a Return’, published in SSMAS
eternity/seer.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/04 22:55 by gm_katie