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Risk Assessments

Flying Lessons

Hazard Description Who Affected Existing Mitigation Further Action Required
Monster misbehaviour Monster known as Bumble has been known to maul humans Quake, expedition members Bumble is classified as “Well Trained”, has been tamed since the last mauling, and is judged unlikely to act out further Other expedition members should keep clear of the Bumble, especially at feeding times
Flying Flying might present hazards such as falling from a great height or going wildly off course Quake Bumble has been fitted with a saddle. Quake has a number of hours of flight experience. Expedition members must be prepared to follow Bumble should it go wildly off course. Quake to secure self to saddle using rope in case of fall.
Aerial Monster Attacks Other monsters encountered on the expedition may be able to fly and may be hostile Quake, expedition members Expedition is staffed with expert monster hunters, and well equipped with archaeotech including net cannons and harpoons Quake to ground Bumble if attacked to allow other members of Expedition to help
Cold Temperatures The monster Bumble is known to perform poorly in excessively cold temperatures, and may be hurt by the chill Bumble Expedition route maximises shelter from adverse weather Quake to bring blankets and other warm items to keep Bumble away from the worst of any weather that happens. Expedition members to constantly monitor for signs of adverse weather.


Hazard Description Who Affected Existing Mitigation Further Action Required
Risk of infection Unsanitary practices may result in infection of the tattooed area Quake Tattoo artist has been vetted and equipment inspected Quake to double check equipment before starting, and maintain aftercare regime
Damage to skin Poor equipment or rushed work can damage and/or irritate skin, causing scarring or the tattoo to flake Quake Extensive experience with tattooing suggests that Quake's skin is extremely tough and not prone to excessive damage. Multiple sittings booked to allow skin to recover Quake to maintain aftercare regime once finished
Poor artwork The tattoo artist may make a mistake, or may misunderstand the work to be done Quake Extensive vetting of artists already conducted, artist is clearly capable of following instructions and has tattooed many others in the past Quake to ensure final design is satisfactory, and provide artist with constant feedback on as progress is made
Regret It is possible that Quake may change his mind about one or more tattoos, and be unable to change them Quake Tattoos chosen have been well thought through and Quake is certain that they will look excellent Never regret your choices. Wear your ink like a badge of honour

Writing Risk Assessments

Hazard Description Who Affected Existing Mitigation Further Action Required
Papercuts Edges of the paper may be sharp and can cut skin Quake In addition to Quake's skin being relatively tough, the paper used has been selected for its bluntness and ease of handling Quake to handle paper with care, wearing gloves if necessary. Paper to be minimally shifted during the writing process
Writer's cramp Writing a lengthy risk assessment longhand may cause Quake's hand to cramp Quake Lots of practice in writing means that Quake can anticipate oncoming cramps and stop writing in advance Take regular breaks while writing to allow hand to recover, also minimise the amount of time spent in any one position
Incomplete assessment An assessment may fail to take into account all the risks, leaving some as unknown unknowns Quake Quake has extensive experience of risk assessment and thinking of every possible outcome Spend additional time thinking of ideas, and refer back to previous assessments
Running out of ideas Dave may run out of ideas for assessing risks that might affect the writing of a risk assessment GM Dave Extensive research into the writing of risk assessments, and referral back to previous turnsheets Use this as a risk item in this risk assessment. Brazenly ignore the fourth wall
eternity/quake.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/04 22:54 by gm_katie