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Morose Progress

Scholarly Pursuits

In this textbook, you’ll find a more in-depth guide to Monster care – designed to take students beyond the content of the Beetle Circus Foundation Course in Monsterology.

Chapters 1-6 cover the basic principles of modern Monster care, from training to first aid. Chapters 7-9 explore the Monster health threats that we currently face as Trainers and cover cutting-edge research into potential treatments. Chapters 10-13 take students through real case studies that I have personally assembled to highlight the importance of good Training and healthcare regimes. Finally, Chapter 14 explores future developments in Monsterology and critically discusses the work of my contemporaries.

I would like to thank my students for their support over the years, my beloved Rollerpedes and Pipe Organ for being loyal and enlightening subjects as well as friends, and finally, my business partner and stalwart companion Pennythrift Steeple.

- Foreword to The Extended Textbook of Monster Care, by Morose Progress

In the field of Monsterology, have any made as significant a contribution as Morose Progress? Have any worked as tirelessly or as thoroughly to collect data on the wellbeing of the Monsters they encountered? And have any taken on quite so many apprentices over the years, or released quite so many publications?

My friends, it is my firm belief that the answer to all of these questions is no; none have come close to making an impact on the scale of Mr. Progress’. And it is for that reason that I am delighted to award this year’s Golden Fang Award for Contributions to Bastion Life to Morose Progress!

- A speech given by Eclipse at the Golden Fang Award Ceremony.

A Mentor to the Masses

I’m being totally honest when I say that Morose Progress has changed my life. I was jobless and penniless before I crossed paths with him… but he picked me up off the street and set me on the path to a brighter future. His and Pennythrift Steeple's Beetle Circus internship scheme taught me valuable life skills that I can now apply across a range of careers, but the most important thing Progress taught me was confidence.

Confidence in myself, confidence in my Monsters, and most of all, confidence in the power of entertainment. It’s the same confidence which I now want to inspire in others, and in doing so, I hope to continue his legacy for generations.

- Ascent, apprentice to Morose Progress, interviewed for Ultimate Careers: A Guide for Young People
eternity/morose_progress.txt · Last modified: 2019/03/04 22:53 by gm_katie