Table of Contents

Sentinel Ed. 36:7

Round 6 Shuffling Results

The Sixth Round of Season XXXVI has been a particularly brutal shuffling for Lightweight division, with significant names falling down divisions. Heavyweight meanwhile has seen some light movement up and down, but Mechagraviton (Crash) remains firmly at the head of Heavyweight. In Lightweight, Deathbreath loses out to THE TENT, with the latter beating Toxtor before its demise in the Ultimate Survivor Battle, though sits behind at a very comfortable second. Omega, meanwhile, having lost to Omega looks to be set for a devastating league defeat after a strong run as she catapults down to Gamma Division.

With several Monster deaths in the Arena though, everything could change. Remember, it's the trainer not the Monster who holds the position so while Toxtor is dead, Nocturne remains in Beta Division, and so on.



Double Team

Things remain tense between Heavy Metal and Team Legit who have both streaked ahead in terms of points, both lapping up Style Points left right and centre as well as Heavy Metal getting in on some juicy Max Taste points. Shards Falling actually fall behind as Thistle costs them Max Points, but some die-hard Beetle Circus fans continue to claim an outstanding circus could win them enough points to take the League!

Ultimate Survivor Champion: Blade

The Network is delighted to announce to readers that Blade, trainer of Dark Steel, is the Ultimate Survivor Champion of Season XXXVI. The Network would also like to remind all readers that a trainer may only hold one Championship title, and if a trainer becomes eligible for multiple, runners-up for the duplicate Championships will be picked, the particular Championships in question selected by Creative Branch.

Non-League Championships

Creative Branch would like to remind all readers that the Network's Choice, the Swimsuit Champion and the Fan Favourite Champion will be determined at the seventh League Conference as is traditional, before the Heavyweight, Lightweight and Double Team Champions are determined from the League results during the final deciding round of Season XXXVI of Ultimate Monster Battle Arena.

Prize pool upgrades

We are very excited to be delivering, to the public, for the first time, the news that there has been an upgrade to the prizes for this season:

Keep your eyes peeled for similar upgrades to other season prizes!


The Network would like to make an official statement that the house monster known as Gnosis has not escaped and has not been spotted around the Bastion Metropolitan Area.

Furthermore Network employees are reminded that actions damaging the Network’s reputation such as spreading such spurious rumors is in breach of contract.

Auction for South Stands naming rights

The Network is delighted to announce that there will be an auction for the naming rights to the South Stands of the Arena. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to put your name to a piece of Network history. This will occur at 10pm during the next league conference.

The Network would like to unequivocally dismiss any claim that the south stands are in any way cursed, haunted, jinxed or otherwise subject to a hostile supernatural influence. The Network would like to remind the public that coincidences happen all the time.

Metrovore Reassignment

As a result of a recent legal action filed against one Mesh, the monster Metrovore’s ownership has been assigned to the Monster Strike. Debts owed to Mesh are now payable to Strike.

Monster Attacks

Recently a number of Monsters have been seen assaulting the walls of Bastion. While unfortunately the cities defences seem to have been disabled by the recent power cut, Network facilities remain secure thanks to the tireless efforts of the Executive Department to provide a safe environment for monster combat based recreation.

The Network would like to reassure Stakeholders that the Arena schedule will be unaffected.

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Recently elements of the Bastion criminal underground have been causing trouble in the city. Fortunately Network facilities remain secure thanks to the tireless efforts of the Executive Department to provide a safe environment for monster combat based recreation.

The Network would like to reassure Stakeholders that the Arena schedule will be unaffected.

Fan favourite analysis

This year competition for the fan favourite category is more fierce than ever. The current front runners seem to be Midnight, High Noon, Pennythrift Steeple, Decibel and Pluck. Voting will be beginning shortly and it could be anyone's game at this point.

The Network would like to assure stakeholders that this year there won’t be any vote rigging of any sort, and that despite any possible disruptions caused by recent changes in management in the the Executive branch the Network is more ready than ever to prevent fraud of any sort from occuring.

Omega: a retrospective

Omega was the first ever Gladiator to be reclassified as a Monster in a landmark case presented by the rules lawyer Yarn. Since then Omega has been involved in a number of spectacular battles, facing with fights such as Bulwalk, Doomigator and Thunderzilla, Grey, Victory Viper, the gladiator Nectar, Gnosis, Slaymatron, Deathbreath and most recently the ultimate survivor tournament which ended in a nail-biting duel between her and Dark Steel.

Despite Omega’s untimely demise in said duel she has paved the way for a new generation of Human Monsters such as Strike and Angler. Her short but glorious career is likely to echo throughout the history.

In Memoriam: Mesh

The Network is sad to announce that the famed Monster Groomer, Mesh, was shot dead amidst crowds of protesters during the legal proceedings brought against him with regards to METROVORE and accusations of murder. Having just been acquitted of the murder charges, a gunshot was fired in amongst crowds calling for Mesh's execution. The Network investigation into this blatant act of murder is ongoing.

Mesh will be remembered as a caring individual who brought out the best in Monsters. He knew how to pick the perfect cut to make the dullest gemstone shine, and he had a way of bringing out the best in Monsters, helping Monsters like Longbow get ahead in the game. He, and his work, will be sorely missed.