Table of Contents

OC News Session 6

IC Schedule

Since this is information you would know IC, we want to make sure the schedule of IC events is clear. Normally we would use Sentinel for this but… Sentinel is a bit broken currently.

Round/Turn Events
6 Ultimate Survivor Contest
Network, historically, reveals the Network's Choice after this Round
7 Swimsuit Judges make their decision for Swimsuit Champion
Fan Favourite is determined
Leagues finish and Heavyweight, Lightweight and Double Team Champions are clear
Final Grand Championship

Unable to make session?

If you can't make Session today or will be late or have to leave early, this isn't a problem, just email to let us know. We're intending to make sure we announce players who aren't present but are still active in session, so please do email us!

Please refrain from posting on the Facebook group if you can't make it - it's spam for people who aren't playing the Society Game.

Turnsheet Plans

While we do love long descriptive turnsheets, particularly interesting and detailed plans, we unfortunately have limited time to read and properly digest them all and longer turnsheets can be difficult to parse.

If you're writing a long turnsheet action, particularly one where the most important parts of your plan might be lost amongst the detail, it would help us significantly to also include a bullet point summary of the core parts of your plan, so that we can make sure we understand it correctly.