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OC News Session 5


A reminder that this term we will be running on odd numbered weeks (1, 3, 5, 7) and then we will have a debrief session in Week 8 where there will be no roleplaying and everyone can come clean about what was going on throughout the game.

The final turnsheet will be after Session 8 in Week 7, and that Turnsheet will be slightly different (you'll describe what your character is planning to do with the rest of their life) but we'll provide more details on that closer to the time.

The schedule can as ever be found on the When and Where page.

For simplicity, and since we haven't heard any social events planned, we've simplified the off-week schedule to have one column for events.

Restatting Reminder

A reminder that you are able to once ever restat your character according to the rules on the Skills page by spending an action doing a training montage.

Money Logistics

In order to make life easier on the GMs, unless you cannot make it to session we would prefer you to place bets in session rather than in turnsheets. Similarly, if you're planning on selling each other goods or services, it would also be easier on us if you're able to accomplish this during session rather than in turnsheets.

Thank You For Your Patience

It's been a while since the last turn and so there are inevitably some things that will slip through the cracks over the break. Thank you for your patience with us as we deal with these, and please do politely let us know if anything's awry - in particular, it's worth checking your character's finances in advance of session, and letting us know once we're set up if you've got too much or too little.

Unable to make Session?

If you can't make Session today or will be late or have to leave early, this isn't a problem, just email to let us know. We're intending to make sure we announce players who aren't present but are still active in session, so please do email us!

Please refrain from posting on the Facebook group if you can't make it - it's spam for people who aren't playing the Society Game.

Swimsuit Championship

From this turn onward if you are actively working toward the Swimsuit Championship this will need to be in a MAJOR action for it to be brought to the attention of the judges.