Table of Contents

High Noon

Follow Your Dreams: Become a fully-qualified Advanced Archaeotechnologist!

The College of Advanced Archaeotechnological Studies has courses starting this September.

Courses include:
* Seminars and lectures delivered by High Noon himself.
* Workshops to gain practical experience of engineering Archaeotech, facilitated by Paradigm.
* Opportunities to join digs, led by seasoned excavators.
* Lifetime access to the extensive library, many of the works written by the founders and in an Archaeotech format.

Bursaries are available, in addition to travel expenses for the Oasis Campus. Remember, Archaeotech Engineering is a profitable career… so get your future off to a bright start by enrolling in the College of Advanced Archaeotechnological Studies!

We welcome enquiries, but most of all, inquiring minds. Join our Open Day in the Bastion Campus!

-A leaflet included in publications around Bastion

Retrospective on Team Legit

Competing throughout Season XXXV – although they unfortunately became laughing stocks by the end of that season – Team Legit had a solid grounding for entering the Doubles (and briefly the Heavyweight) Leagues in Season XXXVI. A key to losing their haters and to gaining success was the early and simple strategy of placing an adorable Monster Bow above the heart-melting eyes of Midnight's little robot, Shrapnel.

Team Legit did well in the Doubles League, although their opponents at the time and afterwards often say that their wins were more down to strategy and preparation than skill with Monsters. An element of Monster training certainly featured, but so did fight preparation and style points won through cuteness and Max Taste Monster House promotion. High Noon, in particular, was known for Archaeotechnological prowess: several of Team Legit's fights took place on an electrified floor, and the original Longbow was highly augmented by the time of its demise at the hands of Mesh.

Although High Noon was often thought of as the skilled and public-facing member of Team Legit, Midnight's frequent Monster-hunting trips and explorations were a key part of Team Legit's activities through Season XXXVI, reinforcing the crossover in the public eye between the best of the Arena and the best of Wasteland adventurers: an important justification for the Arena in the eyes of many. Midnight was highly regarded for her Monster taming skills, with Monsterwhisperer-like abilities, and the good haul of many successful trips can be partly attributed to her. High Noon's public skills with Archaeotechnology were rivalled, if not exceeded, by Midnight's skills with Monsters.

The second Longbow was almost certainly a different Monster, caught on one of the Wasteland expeditions (as attested to by multiple eyewitnesses), rather than an evolved state of the original mechanical spider. Season XXXVI was marked by multiple instances of Trainers taking advantage of Amendment 404 1) with very little challenge, the word of Trainers and the adoration of fans apparently unshakeable by brazen falsehood. At that time in Bastion, common sense and evidence deferred to populism and publicity.

Both Shrapnel and the second Longbow made it to the Ultimate Championship, a generation-inspiring battle. Their strategy favoured the victory of Dark Steel, especially their part in the legendary Darkness Falls: Requiem Of Annihilation ensemble and High Noon's nods in support of Dark Steel at the conclusion. This is further detailed in Chapter 3.

It surprised many that instead of continuing to compete in whatever manifestation of Ultimate Monster Battle Arena followed Season XXXVI, Team Legit instead chose to prospectively relocate to the Wastelands. Perhaps this is because their childhood home was little known before the construction of Oasis and the subsequent marriage of High Noon and Chief Weaver.

– excerpt from Fight Ring to Phenomenon: A Cultural History of the Arena, by Coral
1) A Monster is considered to be the same Monster as long as it has the same name.