There are 8 roleplaying [[uptime|sessions]] for //Ultimate Monster Battle Arena//. These run from **7.30pm to 10.30pm** on **Tuesday evenings**, in the Vernon Harcourt Room in St. Hilda's College (see [[when and where#location|when and where]]). Players are free to arrive from 7.00pm onwards. The first session will be devoted to Character Creation, where GMs will be on hand to help you create a character for the game. The final session will be Debrief, in which the GMs will answer questions about the game and everyone will have a chance to explain what they were up to. The schedule is as follows: **Sessions** ^ Session ^ Date ^ Week ^ ^Session 3 | 13th November 2018 |Tuesday, Michaelmas Week 6| ^Session 4 | 27th November 2018 |Tuesday, Michaelmas Week 8| ^Session 5 | 15th January 2019 |Tuesday, Hilary Week 1| ^Session 6 | 29th January 2019 |Tuesday, Hilary Week 3| ^Session 7 | 12th February 2019 |Tuesday, Hilary Week 5| ^Session 8 | 26th February 2019 |Tuesday, Hilary Week 7| ^ Debrief | 5th March 2019 |Tuesday, Hilary Week 8| **Off-Week Events** On the intervening Tuesdays, both roleplaying and social events will be running instead - details of which will be available in advance and advertised on the [[|OURPGSoc mailing lists]]. ^ Date ^ Week ^ Event(s) ^ ^ 22nd January 2019 |Tuesday, Hilary Week 2| [[|Animus Freeform]] run by Seb and Mat | ^ 5th February 2019 |Tuesday, Hilary Week 4| 'Dwindling' run by Amy, Harris Seminar Room, Oriel College | ^ 19th February 2019 |Tuesday, Hilary Week 6| [[|Animus Freeform]] run by Sally |