====== Sentinel Ed. 36:4 ====== ===== Mid-Season Favourites ===== The Network reminds all Competitors that the Mid-Season is soon upon us, which brings with it the naming of Mid-Season Champion hopefuls: those that are deemed to be most likely to win each of the Championships. These will receive a prize, which Creative Branch will announce during the upcoming League Conference, and of course be invited to stay in the Mid-Season Mansion for the duration of the Season. Every little matters at this point, Stakeholders, as these hopefuls will be named just before the Fifth League Conference! ===== Round Three Shuffling ===== Has Season XXXVI started heating up or what? Such promising starts from a number of trainers have been thwarted by surprise wins by a number of Monsters across both divisions. Monster Training is a tireless process, but perhaps this Season's Trainers starting to get complacent already? Of course, rising through the ranks quickly are those not to be trifled with: the likes of Crash, Dark Steel, Zenith, Blanket, and Malbec are all ones to watch as we reach our mid-season point! [[:current_rankings|The full rankings can be viewed here]]. The Network reminds loyal readers that the Shuffling moves the top 1/3 of each Division up and the bottom 1/3 down before each League Conference in order to make things interesting. The order is decided by points earned by beating other competitors in the Arena (5pts for wins in the Division above, 3pts for the same Division, and 1pt for the Division below). ==== Heavyweight ==== * The Howling Terror (Corsair) and The Intertianator (the late Canon) move DOWN to Beta from Alpha Division * Hard As Nails (Blanket) and Thorn (Thistle) move UP from Beta to Alpha Division * The deaths of Volcanosaurus and Thunderzilla mean that nobody moves DOWN from Beta to Gamma Division, and prevents the relegation of Knight-Mare (DYNAMITE) and Annihilatron (Executioner) from the lower division. * The status of Tackle's League position is pending. * Dark Steel (Blade) and Dozer (Suture) move UP to Beta from Gamma Division * Wreckatar (Pennythrift Steeple) and Optizorb (Strive) move UP to Gamma from Delta Division * Epsilon and Delta Divisions are merged due to Monster numbers. ==== Lightweight ==== * Jaws of Defeat (Pluck) and Pepper (Saffron) move DOWN to Beta from Alpha Division * Rockasaurus-Rex (Vector) and MonoChrome (Malbec) move UP to Alpha from Beta Division * THE TENT (Pennythrift Steeple) and Maximus (Gintrap) move DOWN to Gamma from Beta Division * Your Worst Nightmare (Zenith) and Rollerpedes (Morose Progress) move UP to Beta from Gamma Division * Tick (Fatesmith) and Gearbox (Dashboard) move DOWN to Delta from Gamma Division * Merle (Seer) and Murk (Noggin') move UP to Gamma from Delta Division * Armageddon (Wonder) and Mycosaurus (Two-Eyes) move DOWN to Epsilon from Delta Division * Spikeby (Muzzle) and Omega (Tatters) move UP to Delta from Epsilon Division ==== Double Team ==== Heavy Metal now lead the Double Team Championship followed by Team Legit and Shards Falling, all picking up a number of bonus style points having wowed the Umpires with their stand out performances. Beetle Circus and Team Horizon trail as "less stylish" despite having won their matches. ===== Division Winners ===== The following Monsters (Trainers) came top of their respective divisions during the third round and will receive an additional prize during the League Conference. Experiment X stays at the top of the Lightweight division while surprise new entrant Serpenticon takes pole on Heavyweight, proving everything is very much to play for as we reach the Mid-Season point! ==== Heavyweight Winners ==== * Alpha: Serpenticon (Socket) * Beta: Hard As Nails (Blanket) * Gamma: Dark Steel (Blade) * Delta: Wreckatar (Pennythrift Steeple) ==== Lightweight Winners ==== * Alpha: Experiment X (Teeth) * Beta: Rockasaurus-Rex (Vector) * Gamma: Your Worst Nightmare (Zenith) * Delta: Merle (Seer) * Epsilon: Spikeby (Muzzle) ===== League Additions and Removals ===== Following Footsie's disqualification for failing to present a valid Monster for this round, past favourite Socket has entered the tournament at the invitation of the Creative Branch to take Footsie's place, and immediately rocketed to the top of Heavyweight Alpha Division in a stunning victory. The reported death of Volcanosaurus in an expedition has resulted in its place being removed from the League. Thunderzilla's death in the Arena has resulted in Tackle's temporary removal from the League following concerns over behaviour in the Double Team tournament. Team Loom and Slap Time have both disbanded, sadly, and withdrawn from the Double Team Championship as a result. The Network offers a reduced sign up rate to any two new teams that wish to take their places. Finally, Tatters has entered the Monster Omega into the Lightweight Division. ===== Masked Monsters Must Unmask ===== As we reach the Mid-Season point, the Network requires that all Masked Monsters now make a Match lest their presence in the League be pointless. The Network requests that all Masked Monster owners make a Match during the next Conference, lest they be landed with an inconvenience fee. Withdrawal of a Monster from the League is no longer possible. ===== Wealth Report ===== For an upcoming Sentinel piece, the Network would be fascinated to publish information on the Ten Wealthiest Competitors, as a means of outreach to attract new Trainers to the Arena. If you wish to assist with this, please do let the Network know how much you currently believe you are worth. //OC: Since opt-out is easier to manage here, please Minor Action if you specifically **don't** want your Wealth to be known by the Network, or if you wish to lie to them about how much you have.// ===== In Memoriam: Canon ===== The Network is deeply saddened to report the death of Season XXXV Fan Favourite Champion Canon, trainer of the Inertianator. Their death in Competitors' Village is pending investigation by Competitors Village security teams, but the Network would like to remind all Competitors that the Village is the most secure place to reside in all of Bastion, and that this awful tragedy is the utmost exception. ===== Competitors Village Improvement Works ===== Residents of Competitors Village are advised that construction works to improve the quality of residences available to Competitors are now ongoing. Since no Competitors took the Network up on the Economy tier of accommodation, work is now underway to demolish the Economy buildings and replace them with more lavish homes in time for Season XXXVII. ===== Rollerpedes vs THE TENT ===== A disappointing conclusion to an otherwise brilliant match-up! Patrons of the Arena have been overheard referring to the fight as "a fix", and are calling for a more brutal rematch. Creative Branch have to concur. ===== Cinder Memorial Special ===== The Network thanks Decibel for their touching tribute to a beloved Trainer. The Cinder Memorial Special of //The Ultimate Show Tonight With Decibel// was highly praised for its emotional content, made all the more so poignant by the fact that it was among the final public appearances of Trainer Canon. ===== A Reminder ===== The Network would like to remind citizens of Bastion that it has always prided itself on the transparency shown to its Stakeholders, and hopes that this precedent will sustain the important bond of trust between the Network and all patrons of the Arena. The Network would also like to remind all readers that investigative work should be left to the relevant authorities. ===== Season XXXIII ===== Thanks to the Rules Lawyering of Noggin', it transpires that the Season XXXIII Final in fact //did// conclude on the day it began due to a breach of horizontal Arena bounds. As such, all bets made with the Network have in fact been valid to collect since Season XXXIII and will have since lapsed by the 3 week collection period.