====== Cyclops ====== ===== A Lighter Touch ===== >The "Cyclops school" of monster training teaches that the best way to train a monster, whether that is for fighting, show, or any other task, is to allow the monster to explore its natural abilities in a safe space. The space will, of course, be tailored to the skills required - but the emphasis is on providing an environment to encourage learning, and to reward progress, rather than to follow a strict training regime. > >Notable results of Cyclops' training methods during their long career include teaching Grand Champion Dark Steel their "Darker Steel" and "Dark Glare" special moves - allowing Dark Steel to create clones at will, or deploy it's trademark glare to stop an opponent in its tracks - and teaching arena equipment Disjunct to create portals on command and move specified objects (rather than it's previous scattergun approach). > >Cyclops also had significant personal success in the Double Team arena, alongside Quake, with "Team Slime" finishing in third place in Season 36. Cyclops and Quake would often be seen both before and after the season on "Slime Picnics" with their monsters - though the name had become somewhat innaccurate, as both Green Genie and Blue Lagoon had evolved to be no longer slimy (and different colours than their registered name would imply). > >After the tumultuous events of Season 36, Cyclops was heavily involved in AMBER as a contestant, with a wide variety of their own monsters, and also opened up a monster hatchery and menagerie to demonstrate their style of monster care to the people of Bastion. ===== The Menagerie ===== >Current population: >>Monsters: >>Red genie (desert enclosure) >>Stone Angel (aviary) >>Frost Wyrm (ice enclosure) >>Frost Bite (ice enclosure - WARNING: DO NOT ALLOW NEAR FIRE MONSTERS WITHOUT TRAINER SUPERVISION) >>Sweet Snout (Who knows... Somewhere?) >>Disjunct (plains enclosure) >>Void Puppy (nocturnal enclosure) >>Sneaky Snek (plains enclosure - ensure that SS can be located before enclosure gate is opened) >>Glampire Bat (nocturnal enclosure) >>Ser Hoppity (plains enclosure, covered area) >>Swirly Bird (aviary) >>Mimic Octothorpe (desert enclosure) >>Gas Bag (desert enclosure - ensure flameproof roost is left open at all times when RG is in enclosure) >>Fish Out Of Water (river enclosure) >>See Anemone (river enclosure - beware of damage to any of its hundreds of eyes, as this will cause it to be aggressive) >>Chompy Chimp (solitary enclosure - Training in progress, only to be handled with Cyclops present) >>Jumping Beans (desert enclosure) >>Hyperbee (solitary enclosure - rescue from UMBC, treat with care) >>Loose Goose (river enclosure) >>Plump Plant (desert enclosure) >>Tweet-o-tron (aviary) >>Probably a Rock (desert enclosure - may, in fact, just be a rock, but remember GBOW) > >>Eggs: >>ID17: Green and furred, warm to the touch >>ID18: Mauve, metallic, and shiny. Keep cold. >>ID19: Reflective swirls of black and gold. Appears to benefit from warmth, and swirls respond to sound. >>ID20: Pulsing blue, green and red lights, tapping out a beat. DO NOT LOOK DIRECTLY AT EGG. DO NOT MOVE TO BEAT OF EGG. IF YOU SEE ONE OF YOUR COWORKERS DANCING TO THE BEAT OF EGG, THEN PREVENT THEIR MOVEMENT WHILE NOT MOVING TO BEAT OF EGG. >>ID21: Blue, icy egg, with red veins. Alternate cold and hot on daily cycle. >>ID22: Solid silver egg, unreflective, much heavier than it looks, do not move without assistance. >>ID23: Black egg, complete void which is blacker than anything you have ever seen. Golfball sized. DO NOT APPROACH EGG. DO NOT THINK ABOUT EGG FOR MORE THAN 30 SECONDS. IF YOU SEE A COWORKER WITH BLACK EYES ATTEMPTING TO REMOVE EGG FROM PROTECTIVE CASE, CONTACT CYCLOPS IMMEDIATELY. >>ID24: White egg, with square hole in one side which does not appear to exit on other side. >>ID25: Pale green egg, soft to the touch, handle with care. >>ID26: Grey/brown rocky egg. DO NOT MOVE. MOVEMENT CAUSES EARTHQUAKES. >>ID27: Almond-shaped turquoise egg. Keep immersed in water. >>ID28: Small ball of fire. Keep in fireproof container at all times. Wear protective clothing.